When I Felt I Could Die, I Found Out What is Most Important to Succeed
I felt a Eureka moment today while doing my morning run. I think I found the secret to success. The answer to the perennial question- “What is one trait you have to build in yourself to be successful?”
It was just another day with me in middle of a run. Like every day I had set up a targeted distance and was taking circles around the park. Taking a run in circles requires more concentration than running from point A to point B, since running in circles means you have the option to quit after every round
My long runs also provide me the opportunity for introspection. I consider it to be the best part of running- Imaginations run wild at the pace of legs, and I have found myself in middle of varied thoughts from Elon Musk to Scarlett Johansson, from profits to growth and the stock market crash, etc.
So today I started thinking what is that one skill to be built in oneself to be successful. Is it developing a habit of reading or is it about becoming the constant knowledge seeker. Does becoming obsessed with something is important or does building a network of people leads to success. As I started pondering over these thoughts, there was also constant push from the other part of my brain that was telling me that I am tired and I should take a break. Even if I have not covered the distance I had targeted earlier, its ok to rest or else my heart could fail, and I would die soon
And that’s when it hit me. THE POWER OF FINISHING.
I think the most important trait to be successful is about how much obsessed you can be to finish anything at hand. Do you complete every task at hand before you take a break? Do you finish every book that you start? Do you make sure that the one task that could have been done today is not moved to the next day? Our mind is wired into telling us that we are tired and that if we do not sleep on time or do not take enough rest, we may soon find ourselves in the hospital with a breakdown but can you build the willpower to overcome those thoughts and make sure that you don’t settle unless the work is done.
The habit of finishing has far-reaching effects on productivity. Extending that last stretch leads to satisfaction which leads to overall happiness levels. Also making sure that there are no tasks left unattended frees your brain from the unnecessary worry of too many things to be done. Additionally, every such stretch makes sure that you are not spending time every time to get started. Its like if you have a goal of 5 miles either you can do a 3 mile and do not enjoy the happiness that comes from achieving the goal or do 5 and feel satisfied for throughout the day.
What do you guys think about it? What are the factors you believe are most important to succeed in life?
Originally published on LinkedIn
About Author
Ayush Jain is an entrepreneur whose work revolves around building global teams that work efficiently. He loves to encompass everyday adventures and turn them into meaningful success lessons.
Ayush co-founded MindBowser, a digital agency and currently working on his new endeavor RemotePanda.
RemotePanda is a curated marketplace that takes care of end to end remote work cycle including searching, hiring, recruiting as well as managing remote employees.
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